This severely limits the replay value once you know one side, you know them all. All three armies are effectively identical, functionally speaking-there is an exact counterpart for every unit. Unfortunately, the differences end there. The unit graphics are excellent, with lots of variations between the sides. Controlling high ground is a huge advantage: units can shoot down over a cliff, but the poor saps below cannot return fire. Also, the terrain is actually effective for example, infantry units can move through trees, but vehicles get stuck. A fair amount of variation exists in the terrain city, jungle, and desert maps are all well done. While this lacks the flair of a 3D game, it’s well-executed, with terrain graphics and explosions that are top of the line as far as isometric RTS gaming. The game uses two dimensional maps and sprites for units. Unfortunately, the addition of a new side has very little effect on gameplay. Nothing ticks off a farming robot more than the destruction of crops, and it’s pay back time. In addition to the Survivors and Evolved in the original, a new side has been added: Series 9 agricultural robots. Krossfire, set on post-apocalyptic Earth, starts its story forty years after its predecessor. Krossfire is your standard issue RTS experience, buried underneath an avalanche of similar games from that time period. There are thousands possible words from various aspects, so experiment by typing very short what you are looking for.If you didn’t Krush, Kill, ‘n’ Destroy enough in the first game then here’s the sequel. Keywords can be related to anything, allowing advanced filtration and specific results.

Quotation marks can be used for whole phrase (example: "action rpg") or exact word (example: "4x"), and combined with exclusion if needed (example: -"action rpg"). Minus sign can be used for exclusion (example: -anime). * KEYWORDS - Defines maximum of five keywords separated by space. * TO YEAR - Defines the latest year of release represented by four digits. * FROM YEAR - Defines the oldest year of release represented by four digits. * ORDER - Defines how the generated list should be sorted. * THEMES - Defines the topic related to the game. * MECHANICS - Defines elements of gameplay. * GRAPHICS - Defines how gameplay is displayed. * SIGN - Defines if criteria should be included (+) or excluded (-). * COMBINED GENRE - Defines the second genre of the combination. * GENRE - Defines the main type of gameplay. * PLATFORM - Defines the whole family or a single model. Note that due to the fact that there are thousands of titles in the database, some small part of them may not contain some data and latest releases may not be included shortly after the premiere. Generates a list of all games that match the criteria settings.